Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Coming Clean

I'm often asked, "How do you do it all?" I am a wife and mother of three beautiful children under 5. I cook, clean, bake (usually from scratch), I scrapbook, sew, jog, have an online etsy shop (which has been neglected for a long while), the list goes on... Well, today I am uncovering the truth. The truth that I don't 'do it all'. I am coming clean and showing you real life in my home. Messy rooms, unmade beds, laundry piles. It's a struggle to get dinner on the table each day!

It's not like we (I am saying 'we' here since this is a family problem) don't have legitimate reasons for our lack of organization. Our little family is a busy one - taking care of the kids alone is a fulltime job. So I could say, well it is what it is, I am doing the best I can. My kids are happy, well fed, loved, who cares about the "mess"? But the truth is that I spend a lot of wasted time looking for things, or I get stressed out if someone is going to "pop by", even if it is one of my own family members! I want to get organized so that our family life runs more smoothly, which will translate into more time for each other and less stress!

This blog may seem like just one extra thing on my "to do" list, but it will force me to be accountable and hopefully I can inspire my readers to "come clean" and work with me towards a cleaner, more organized and less stressful life!

I am not going to hold back - my photos will show it exactly how it is. Here is a sneak peek of what is to come:

My plan is to go through the house, room by room, area by area, figure out what is working and what is not, dejunk, declutter, clean and organize. Along the way I will share my home decor projects, as well as share my ideas and inspiration.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I will be doing this on a very limited budget, hopefully using what I already own! Buying anything just means I will have more "stuff", and isn't that what got me here in the first place?

Happy organizing!

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