Thursday, May 31, 2012

Falling off the Wagon

As determined as I was to keep up with this blog, real life got in the way. This last month has been one of the busiest to date, and although I have had a few setbacks and things may feel more disorganized now than ever, I had some major accomplishments as well.

Our neighbourhood decided to have a last minute garage sale, so with less than one week to prepare, my hubby and I managed to get rid of a TON of stuff and make some extra cash at the same time. We ended up donating a huge pile to charity, and I also gave away six (yes, I said SIX) garbage bags full of clothing to others in need.

My son also started crawling two weeks ago which spurred a huge de-cluttering and babyproofing undertaking, of which is still in the works - put baby gate up, move items to other side of baby gate, repeat.

But the good news is that my desk has remained relatively tidy and organized - which is a true testament to how well this process is working for me. Now to move onto the rest of the house!

This week I will be working on the family room/play room which is where we spend a great deal of our time and although it is fairly organized, it has a tendency to get cluttered easily and there is a lot of room for improvement.

Happy organizing!